6.1. Clone and build Global Workflow

6.1.1. Quick Instructions

Quick clone/build/link instructions (more detailed instructions below).


Here we are making the assumption that you are using the workflow to run an experiment and so are working from the authoritative repository. If you are using a development branch then follow the instructions in development.rst. Once you do that you can follow the instructions here with the only difference being the repository/fork you are cloning from.

Clone the global-workflow and cd into the sorc directory:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/global-workflow
cd global-workflow/sorc

For forecast-only (coupled or uncoupled) build of the components:


For cycled (w/ data assimilation) use the -g option during build:

./build_all.sh -g

For coupled cycling (include new UFSDA) use the -gu options during build:

[Currently only available on Hera, Orion, and Hercules]

./build_all.sh -gu

For building without PDLIB (unstructured grid) for the wave model, use the -w options during build:

./build_all.sh -w

Build workflow components and link workflow artifacts such as executables, etc.


6.1.2. Clone workflow and component repositories Workflow

There are several ways to clone repositories from GitHub. Below we describe how to clone the global-workflow using the https method.

git clone https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/global-workflow

Check what you just cloned (by default you will have only the develop branch):

cd global-workflow
git branch
* develop

You now have a cloned copy of the global-workflow git repository. To checkout a branch or tag in your clone:

git checkout --recurse-submodules BRANCH_NAME


Branch must already exist. If it does not you need to make a new branch using the -b flag:

git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME

The checkout command will checkout BRANCH_NAME and switch your clone to that branch. Example:

git checkout --recurse-submodules my_branch
git branch
* my_branch

Using --recurse-submodules is important to ensure you are updating the component versions to match the branch.

6.1.3. Build components

Under the /sorc folder is a script to build all components called build_all.sh. After checking out the branch you wish to use, run this script to build all components codes:

 ./build_all.sh [-a UFS_app][-g][-h][-u][-v]
-a UFS_app:
  Build a specific UFS app instead of the default
  Build GSI
  Print this help message and exit
  Specify maximum number of build jobs (n)
  Build UFS-DA
  Execute all build scripts with -v option to turn on verbose where supported

For forecast-only (coupled or uncoupled) build of the components:


For cycled (w/ data assimilation) use the -g option during build:

./build_all.sh -g

For coupled cycling (include new UFSDA) use the -gu options during build:

[Currently only available on Hera, Orion, and Hercules]

./build_all.sh -gu