6.5. Start your run

Make sure a rocoto module is loaded: module load rocoto

If needed check for available rocoto modules on machine: module avail rocoto or module spider rocoto

6.5.1. Start your run from within your EXPDIR

rocotorun -d $PSLOT.db -w $PSLOT.xml

The first jobs of your run should now be queued or already running (depending on machine traffic). How exciting!

You’ll now have a “logs” folder in both your ROTDIR and EXPDIR. The EXPDIR log folder contains workflow log files (e.g. rocoto command results) and the ROTDIR log folder will contain logs for each job (previously known as dayfiles).

6.5.2. Set up your experiment cron


Orion and Hercules currently only support cron on Orion-login-1 and Hercules-login-1, respectively. Cron support for other login nodes is coming in the future.

crontab -e


crontab $PSLOT.crontab


The crontab $PSLOT.crontab command will overwrite existing crontab file on your login node. If running multiple crons recommend editing crontab file with crontab -e command.

Check your crontab settings:

crontab -l

Crontab uses following format:

*/5 * * * * /path/to/rocotorun -w /path/to/workflow/definition/file -d /path/to/workflow/database/file